Overington reflects on George H.W. Bush, Barbara Bush’s eastern panhandle visit

Del. John Overington with George H.W. Bush in 1992.

MARTINSBURG, W.Va. — Last Friday night, the 41st President of the United States, George H.W. Bush passed away at the age of 94.

Monday will mark the beginning of a four day national tribute as his casket along with the Bush family travels from Houston, Texas to Washington, D.C.

Del. John Overington (R-Berkeley, 62)

District 62 Delegate John Overington (R-Berkeley) reflected on the time he spent with H.W. Bush Monday morning on “Panhandle Live”.

Overington presented Bush with a honorary West Virginian pin after being invited to a conference at The White House on the importance of a balanced budget.

“I decided, well, I’m going to make him a honorary West Virginian citizen. So, I had a West Virginia pin and took it out of my pocket and he seemed to be agreeable,” said Overington. “I pinned it on his lapel and he seemed to be proud of that.”

Overington also mentioned the time Barbara Bush made a visit to Berkeley County in the earlier ’80’s before her stint as First Lady.

“My wife was active with the Women’s Club of the Republican party and she had a chance to meet Barbara Bush and she was very committed to supporting George Bush,” said Overington. “They were kind of the grandparents of this country. You knew that they had the best interest for the American people and the direction of the country at heart.”

His son, Former President George W. Bush will eulogize his late father at the Washington National Cathedral on Wednesday.