Town of Hillsboro moves ReThink9 project timeline to align with stay at home orders

Map of the finished ReThink9 project.

HILLSBORO, Va. — The Town of Hillsboro has reached an agreement with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) that will accelerate full closures of Route 9.

Known as a primary commuter corridor for Eastern Panhandle residents, Route 9 through Loudoun County will be temporarily closed for the “ReThink9” project. That closure will now begin on or around May 4 and last until late June. The timeline has been adjusted to coincide with Gov. Ralph Northam’s stay at home order.

During this extraordinary time of sheltering in place, shuttered schools and businesses and a dramatic reduction of traffic on Route 9, taking this action now will lessen the impacts to residents, schools, businesses and motorists later,” Hillsboro Mayor and Project Manager Roger Vance said. “We are extremely pleased with the cooperation and coordination we’ve had with VDOT and our contractor Archer Western to adjust the schedule and sequencing of work to make this possible.”

ReThink9 will add traffic circles, enhance pedestrian safety features and infrastructure through Hillsboro.

“With the full road closure, traffic will be restricted to town residents, first responders and delivery trucks. Through truck traffic will be directed to use the Regional Detour of Route 7 and Route 340. No through trucks will be permitted on the Hillsboro Local detour, consisting of Stony Point Road, Woodgrove Road, Allder School Road and Hillsboro Road.

Local traffic only will be permitted to use Cider Mill Road. All motorists originating from west of Hillsboro will be directed to return to Route 9 eastbound via the Hillsboro detour rather than following Route 719 into the Town of Round Hill.”

Town of Hillsboro press release

Detour signage will be in place through the area. Find more information, maps and get email alerts on the project by visiting