Spring Mills High School Student Organizes Walkout; Principal Says Students Will Not Face Disciplinary Action

SPRING MILLS, W.Va. — A Spring Mills High School student is organizing a walkout next week to support gun control.

It’s set for April 20 at noon.  Clarity Crabtree is encouraging students to walk out of school holding signs “to stand up and attempt to create change within the community and nation.”

The Journal reports Crabtree is a ninth-grade student at Spring Mills High School who organized the effort after hearing about the other school walkouts that took place earlier this month.

April 20 marks the anniversary of the Columbine incident where two students killed 12 students and a teacher.

The Panhandle News Network reached out to Spring Mills High Principal Mark Salfia, who said the students will not face any disciplinary action for the walkout.

“At Spring Mills High School, we have really great students and families.  I am encouraged knowing that our students will be respectful of one another and keep the safety of everyone in mind during the time that they gather together.”

Salfia confirmed that the school is aware the gathering will happen and no students will face any kind of disciplinary action for the walk out as long as it is orderly.

“As long as it is orderly and timely we will not pursue disciplinary action,” Salfia said.