Thursday, March 20, 2025 – 37th Day of Session
The Senate will convene at 11 a.m.
- SR 37: Recognizing Energy Council on its 50th anniversary
- SR 38: Designating March 20, 2025, as Mingo County Day
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 450: Establishing WV Guardian Program
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 731: Terminating Design Build Board
- Eng. SB 734: Repealing section creating A. James Manchin Rehabilitation Environmental Action Plan
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 736: Relating to publication of registered lobbyist information
- Eng. SB 738: Terminating Employee Suggestion Award Board
- SB 75: Changing distribution of income from excess lottery fund
- Com. Sub. for SB 76: Increasing WV Natural Resources Police Officer Retirement System accrued benefit for certain members
- Com. Sub. for SB 601: Relating to fees and charges for municipality-provided fire services
- SB 615: Eliminating accelerated tax payment requirements (original similar to HB 2012)
- Com. Sub. for SB 683: Relating to land sales by Auditor
- Com. Sub. for SB 710: Relating to the practice of teledentistry (original similar to HB 3196)
- SB 733: Relating to membership composition of Legislative Oversight Commission on Department of Transportation Accountability
- Com. Sub. for SB 746: Allowing State Board of Education to delegate its Medicaid provider status to public charter schools
- Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2129: Creating the Parents Bill of Rights – (Com. amend. pending)
- Eng. Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for HB 2441: To make those who fail drug test ineligible for unemployment
- Com. Sub. for SB 1: Requiring utility work and road paving coordination
- SB 100: Allowing members of State Police retirement system to use accrued leave as credit toward retirement
- SB 105: Updating retirement eligibility for certain sheriffs (original similar to SB192)
- Com. Sub. for SB 578: Relating to pet food packages
- SB 579: Relating to Home Rule Reform
- SB 743: Adjusting percentage of tax retained by clerk of county commission for certain purposes
- SB 747: Relating to Real Estate License Act (original similar to HB 2010)
- Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2331: Relating to authorizing certain agencies of the Department of Commerce to promulgate legislative rules – (Com. amend. pending)
Scheduled Committee Meetings
- Com. Sub. for SB 765: Establishing Troops to Teachers Program
9:30 a.m.: Government Organization (208W)
- Com. Sub. for SB 569: Relating to homeowners’ bill of rights
- Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 587: Relating generally to government contracting
- SB 593: Relating to electronic voting and preserving voting data
- Com. Sub. for SB 810: Clarifying requirements for administration of anesthesia
9:30 a.m.: Education (451M)
- SB 737: Creating WV Farm Equipment Repair Pilot Program
- SB 54: Requiring age-appropriate instruction on Holocaust in public schools
- SB 695: Requiring higher education institutions to accept Classic Learning Test
- SB 755: Establishing WV Secondary School Athletic Trainer and Career Technical Education Program Act
- HB 2411: To provide and change graduation requirements and change duties relating to academic content standards
1 p.m.: Economic Development (208W)
- Com. Sub. for SB 626: Allowing members of regional airport boards to be residents of area in which airport is located.
1 p.m.: Health and Human Resources (451M)
- Presentation: Deb Harris, Manager, Jobs and Hope WV
- SB 718: Relating to hospital transparency
- SB 817: Regulating private alternative adolescent residential or outdoor programs
- HB 2402: Relating to providing access to medical records; providing access to a minor’s medical record
- SB 811: Creating Child Care Subsidy Pilot Program
3 p.m.: Judiciary (208W)
- HB 2382: Camping ban on certain public property
- SB 655: Providing for immunity for mental health providers who are involved in mental hygiene checks
- SB 705: Allowing Board of Education to promulgate rules for submission to Legislature
3 p.m.: Finance (451M)
- Budget Presentation: West Virginia Department of Health
- Budget Presentation: West Virginia Department of Human Services
** Committee times and agendas are subject to change **
Senate Bills to be Introduced Thursday, March 20, 2025
- SB 821: Requiring child protective services workers to wear body-worn cameras (Chapman; Health and Human Resources then Finance)
- SB 822: Requiring Department of Human Services use mobile technology to assist in certain investigations (Chapman; Health and Human Resources then Finance)
- SB 823: Clarifying and separating duties between Division of Emergency Management and DEP (Rucker; Government Organization)
- SB 824: Amending procedures for regulation of scope of practice for occupations and professions (Chapman; Government Organization)
- SB 825: Permitting higher education institutions enter agreements with non-profit organizations for economic development and job creation (Jeffries; Economic Development)
- SB 826: Modifying survivor’s benefit payments on first responders for payment of funeral expenses (Rucker; Finance)
- SB 827: Updating requirements for parole hearings and notifications (Rucker; Judiciary)
- SB 828: Clarifying requirements for persons employed by Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation include contracted vendor staff (Rucker; Judiciary)
- SB 829: Modifying classes of state of preparedness declared by Governor or Legislature (Rucker; Government Organization)
- SB 830: Eliminating short-term loans provided to released inmates for costs related to reintegration (Rucker; Workforce)
- SB 831: Establishing Troops-to-Teachers Program (Weld; Education)
- SB 832: Providing for administration of cost-sharing calculations (Chapman; Finance)
- SB 833: Excluding pharmaceutical medication from prior authorization gold card process (Chapman; Finance)
- SB 834: Relating to tax credit for qualified rehabilitated buildings investment (Weld; Economic Development then Finance)
- SB 835: Decreasing service period for notice of tax lien sales (FN) (Azinger; Government Organization then Finance)
- SB 836: Modifying requirements for payment of property taxes by co-owners or other interested parties (Azinger; Judiciary)
- SB 837: Eliminating WV Office of Equal Opportunity (Rucker; Government Organization)
- SB 838: Prohibiting law enforcement from placing surveillance cameras on private property (Thorne; Judiciary)
- SB 839: Requiring Division of Labor establish separate rules for residential or commercial plumbing (FN) (Clements; Government Organization then Finance)
- SB 840: Relating to nonresident income tax for natural resources royalty payments received from lessees (FN) (Clements; Finance)
- SB 841: Prohibiting state entities from promoting or engaging in any activity related to sexual orientation or gender transitioning (Maynard, Azinger, Bartlett, Charnock, Deeds, Fuller, Grady, Helton, Martin, Roberts, Rose, Rucker, Tarr, Taylor, Thorne, Willis; Judiciary)
- SB 842: Establishing Fueling Modern Life Act (FN) (Hart; Natural Resources then Finance)
- SB 843: Allowing Board of Education to prohibit individuals on sex offender registry from being on school property (FN) (Clements; Judiciary then Finance)
- SB 844: Exempting coturnix quail from game farm requirement if they are owned for agricultural purposes (Rucker; Agriculture)
- SB 845: Relating to National Guard Servicemember’s Medical Readiness Act (Willis; Judiciary then Finance)
- SB 846: Relating to heating, ventilation, and air-condition technicians employed by State Board of Education or county boards of education (Morris; Government Organization)
- SB 847: Eliminating provisions limiting number of investigators in criminal investigation division of Tax Division (FN) (Stuart; Finance)
- SB 848: Enacting bank protections for eligible adults from financial exploitation (Willis; Judiciary)
- SB 849: Providing enhanced pay for State Police (Willis; Finance)
- SB 850: Creating Protecting Investors Act (Willis; Banking and Insurance)
- SB 851: Creating Child Protection Investigations Reform Act (FN) (Rose, Chapman, Helton, Maynard, Rucker, Willis; Judiciary then Finance)
- SB 852: Relating to regulation of pharmacy benefit managers (FN) (Takubo; Health and Human Resources then Finance)
- SB 853: Clarifying terms of registration for tax abandoned land auctions and sales held by auditor (Jeffries, Clements, Deeds, Fuller, Hamilton, Helton, Queen, Roberts, Rose, Takubo, Tarr, Willis; Government Organization)
- SB 854: Creating Academic Quality in Public Education Act (Roberts, Rucker; Education)
- SB 855: Relating to incentive program to promote beverage container recycling (FN) (Rucker; Government Organization then Finance)
- SB 856: Removing certain reporting requirements to Joint Committee on Government and Finance (Rucker; Government Organization)
- SB 857: Establishing economic incentives for data centers to locate within state (FN) (Helton; Economic Development then Finance)
- SB 858: Relating to controlled substance schedules and to clean-up errors identified in code sections (Rucker; Judiciary)
- SR 39: Designating March as Kidney Disease Awareness Month (Chapman)
- SR 40: Designating March 21, 2025, as WV Arts Day (Smith)
* (FN) indicates the bill has a Fiscal Note
* (IB) indicates the bill is an Interim Bill
Committee Action on Bills from Wednesday, March 19, 2025
9:30 a.m.: Select Committee on Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health
- Com. Sub. for SB 761: Creating Joel Archer Substance Abuse Intervention Act
- Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass; second reference to Judiciary
1 p.m.: Natural Resources
- Com. Sub. for SB 721: Providing penalties for damages resulting to farm property and critical infrastructure from use of drones
- Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass; second reference to Judiciary
2 p.m.: Agriculture
- SB 751: Prohibiting manufacture, sale, or distribution of cultivated meat products
- Bill reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass; second reference to Judiciary
- Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2158: Relating to removal of a sunset clause for the West Virginia spay and neuter program
- Bill, as amended, reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass; second reference to Government Organization
2 p.m.: Banking and Insurance
- Com. Sub. for SB 6: Exempting life insurance cash value from Medicaid eligibility calculations
- Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass; second reference to Finance
- SB 776: Creating Firearms Industry Nondiscrimination Act
- Bill reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass; second reference to Judiciary
- Com. Sub. for SB 800: Relating to insurance holding company systems
- Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
3 p.m.: Judiciary
- SJR 13: Constitutional Officer Term Limit Amendment
- Joint Resolution reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it be adopted; second reference to Finance
- Com. Sub. for SB 128: Preventing courts from ordering services at higher rate than Medicaid
- Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
- Com. Sub. for SB 595: Mountain Bike Responsibility Act
- Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
3 p.m.: Finance
- Com. Sub. for SB 10: Exempting certain meat processes from consumers sales and service tax
- Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
- Com. Sub. for SB 35: Permitting campus police officers to participate in Deputy Sheriff’s Retirement System
- Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
- SB 292: Allowing doula services be covered by Medicaid and PEIA
- Bill reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
- SB 249: Expanding employment and training requirements necessary for SNAP benefits
- Bill reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
Bills that Have Passed the Senate as of Wednesday, March 19, 2025 (94 – 88 Senate; 6 House)
- SB 5: Establishing Adopt-A-Road program (House Energy and Public Works)
- SB 8: Providing additional sites and devices for newborn safe surrender (Completed legislation; awaiting action by Governor)
- SB 22: Applying penalties for nonpayment of royalties under terms of oil and natural gas leases (House Judiciary)
- SB 29: Allowing physicians assistants to own practice (House Health and Human Resources)
- SB 37: Allowing certain Teachers Retirement System members to exchange unused leave for monetary compensation (Pending House introduction)
- SB 50: Requiring municipal elections to be held on same day as statewide elections (House Judiciary)
- SB 83: Allowing Foster Care Ombudsman access to child protective records (Pending House introduction)
- SB 92: Glucagon for Schools Act (House Education)
- SB 102: Modifying form of certain deeds (House Judiciary)
- SB 103: Exempting certain records from public release (House Judiciary)
- SB 117: Exempting certain physicians from specified traffic laws when responding to emergencies (House Judiciary)
- SB 121: Updating language and increasing penalties for indecent exposure (House Judiciary)
- SB 124: Reducing statute of limitations on actions to recover on oral and written contracts (House Judiciary)
- SB 136: Increasing penalties and parole eligibility requirements for homicide (House Judiciary)
- SB 138: Enhancing penalties for fleeing officer (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- SB 139: Relating to filling of vacancies in Legislature (House Judiciary)
- SB 151: Creating crime of assault on police dogs and other public safety animals (House Judiciary)
- SB 154: Prohibiting sexual orientation instruction in public schools (House Education)
- SB 155: Establishing Summer Feeding for All Program (House Education)
- SB 196: Lauren’s Law (House Judiciary)
- SB 198: Prohibiting creation, production, distribution, or possession of artificially generated child pornography (House Judiciary)
- SB 199: Relating to elementary behavior intervention and safety (House Education)
- SB 234: Increasing value at which municipal property must be sold through public auction (House Government Organization)
- SB 240: Updating crime of sexual extortion (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- SB 257: Providing protection for property owner when someone visiting private cemetery causes damage to property (House Judiciary)
- SB 267: Extending time for renewal and restoration of commercial driver’s licenses (House Energy and Public Works)
- SB 269: Modifying requirements for public water systems or businesses having backflow preventers (House Energy and Public Works)
- SB 270: Declaring sale and manufacture of firearms essential business during declared emergency (House Judiciary)
- SB 275: Removing requirement school cooks or custodians have high school diploma or equivalent (House Education)
- SB 280: Displaying official US motto in public schools (House Education)
- SB 282: Modifying provisions for employment of retired teachers as substitutes in areas of critical need and shortage (House Education)
- SB 283: Expanding grade levels of personal finance course requirements needed for graduation (House Education)
- SB 284: Relating to county board of education member orientation and compensation (House Education)
- SB 291: Extending time frame for pharmacies to register from annually to biennially (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- SB 299: Modifying WV regulations on pubertal modulation, hormonal therapy, and gender reassignment (House Health and Human Resources)
- SB 325: Department of Health rule relating to general provisions of Medical Cannabis Program (Health and Human Resources)
- SB 336: Authorizing Department of Homeland Security to promulgate legislative rules (H Third Reading, 03-20)
- SB 358: Authorizing Department of Transportation to promulgate legislative rules (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- SB 369: Authorizing miscellaneous boards and agencies to promulgate legislative rules (H Second Reading, 03-20)
- SB 427: Permitting certain teenagers to work without obtaining work permit (House Government Organization)
- SB 443: Authorizing Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Board of Examiners to conduct criminal background checks for licensing (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- SB 449: Permitting compressed air and rimfire shooting teams in public schools (House Education)
- SB 456: Defining “men” and “women” (Signed, 03-12)
- SB 458: Universal Professional and Occupational Licensing Act of 2025 (House Government Organization)
- SB 459: Requiring county planning commission members be state residents (House Government Organization)
- SB 460: Relating to vaccine requirements (H First Reading, 03-20)
- SB 462: Permitting Board of Occupational Therapy to require criminal history record checks (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- SB 482: Certified Professional Midwife Licensing and Regulation (House Government Organization)
- SB 483: Increasing civil penalties for failure to file required campaign finance reports (House Judiciary)
- SB 485: Exempting West Virginia Secretary of State from competitive bidding process (House Government Organization)
- SB 486: Clarifying eligibility requirements to vote in WV elections (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- SB 487: Removing ineligible voters from active voter rolls (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- SB 488: Clarifying definition of electioneering (House Judiciary)
- SB 490: Prohibiting ranked-choice voting in elections in West Virginia (Signed, 03-18)
- SB 492: Removing outdated provisions governing political committees (H First Reading, 03-20)
- SB 496: Removing reflexology and other energy-based work from definition of “massage therapy” (House Government Organization)
- SB 500: Transferring audits of volunteer fire departments to Legislative Auditor (House Government Organization)
- SB 501: Relating to loan form (House Finance)
- SB 503: Allowing sheriffs to appoint more than one chief deputy with consent of county commission (House Government Organization)
- SB 521: Requiring party affiliations be listed for all candidates (House Judiciary)
- SB 522: Clarifying procedure for administrative dissolution of limited liability companies by Secretary of State (House Government Organization)
- SB 525: Clarifying procedure for administrative dissolution of nonprofit corporations by Secretary of State (House Government Organization)
- SB 532: Making ad valorem taxes on property payable only to county in which property is located (House Finance)
- SB 534: Clarifying qualifications to be licensed to administer polygraphs (House Government Organization)
- SB 537: Establishing WV Mothers and Babies Pregnancy Support Program (House Health and Human Resources)
- SB 538: Allowing certain entities to purchase qualifying tax-delinquent properties before they are offered at public auction (Pending House introduction)
- SB 547: Creating Charter Schools Startup Fund (Pending House introduction)
- SB 548: Creating Safety and Violence Education for Students Act (House Education)
- SB 552: Relating to Certified Business Expansion Development Program (House Energy and Public Works)
- SB 561: Relating to Uniform Special Deposits Act (House Finance)
- SB 565: Relating generally to practice of optometry (House Health and Human Resources)
- SB 573: Relating to restrictions on use or sale of motor vehicles based on power source (House Energy and Public Works)
- SB 581: Relating to school attendance and student participation in 4-H activities (House Education)
- SB 586: Relating to requirements for filling vacancies in certain elected federal, state, and county offices (House Judiciary)
- SB 592: Relating generally to aboveground storage tanks (House Energy and Public Works)
- SB 598: Permitting judges to refer parents to prosecuting attorney for making certain false allegations in child custody proceedings (Pending House introduction)
- SB 606: Relating to notification of breast density (House Health and Human Resources)
- SB 612: Making rules and regulations of PSC subject to legislative rule-making review procedures (House Energy and Public Works)
- SB 621: Authorizing digital court records (Pending House introduction)
- SB 627: Removing prohibition against leasing state-owned pore spaces underlying lands designated as state parks (House Energy and Public Works)
- SB 649: Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Health, Office of Inspector General (House Finance)
- SB 650: Relating to full-time interventionists (House Education)
- SB 658: Prohibiting certain persons from receiving compensation for advising or assisting with veterans’ benefits (House Judiciary)
- SB 686: Relating to WV commercial feed law (House Government Organization)
- SB 712: Relating to retirement provisions of systems managed by CPRB (Pending House introduction)
- SB 715: Relating to personally identifiable information of member, retirant, beneficiary, or alternate payee of retirement system (House Finance)
- SB 716: Relating to failure to pay required contributions and interest payments for certain retirees who transfer between retirement systems (House Finance)
- SB 719: Relating to age at which minor can consent to certain medical decisions and services (Pending House introduction)
- HB 2024: Updating the meaning certain terms used in West Virginia Personal Income Tax Act (Signed, 02-24)
- HB 2025: Updating terms in the Corporation Net Income Tax Act (Signed, 02-24)
- HB 2042: Relating to allowing a guardian ad litem to request the appointment of a court appointed special advocate (Passed Senate; pending House concurrence to Senate amendment)
- HB 2053: Relating to including the United States Space Force in the definition armed forces (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- HB 2222: Relating to authorizing certain agencies of the Department of Administration to promulgate legislative rules (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- HB 2354: Banning certain products from food in West Virginia (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
Senate Resolutions that Have Been Adopted by the Senate as of Wednesday, March 19, 2025 (7)
- SCR 1: Adopting Joint Rules of Senate and House of Delegates (Adopted, 01-08)
- SCR 2: Authorizing payment of joint expenses (Adopted, 01-08)
- SCR 3: US Army Warrant Officer Joseph Rose III Memorial Bridge (Pending House introduction)
- SCR 4: Amending Joint Rules of Senate and House of Delegates (Adopted, 02-12)
- SCR 15: Opposing China’s use of UN Resolution 2758 against Taiwan (Adopted, 03-19)
- SCR 18: Recognizing intent to create WV Coal Renaissance Act (House Energy and Public Works)
- SCR 20: Recognizing and commending NCSL on its 50th anniversary (Adopted, 03-18)
Action on House Bills in the Senate as of Wednesday, March 19, 2025 (74)
- HB 2008: Executive Branch Reorganization (Government Organization)
- HB 2009: Relating to the merging and reorganizing of the executive branch (Government Organization)
- HB 2024: Updating the meaning certain terms used in West Virginia Personal Income Tax Act (Signed, 02-24)
- HB 2025: Updating terms in the Corporation Net Income Tax Act (Signed, 02-24)
- HB 2030: Modifying compulsory housing for hotels and motels (Pending Senate introduction)
- HB 2042: Relating to allowing a guardian ad litem to request the appointment of a court appointed special advocate (Passed Senate; pending House concurrence to Senate amendment)
- HB 2047: Prohibiting cameras and recording devices in bedrooms and bathrooms of foster children (Health and Human Resources)
- HB 2053: Relating to including the United States Space Force in the definition armed forces (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- HB 2065: To allow Gold Star parents to receive one free Gold Star vehicle registration for personal use (Transportation and Infrastructure)
- HB 2066: Creating a crime for the destruction of first responder equipment (Judiciary)
- HB 2067: West Virginia Firearms Liability Clarification Act (Pending Senate introduction)
- HB 2117: Relating to when Mail In Ballots are Due (Government Organization)
- HB 2123: Modifying the criminal penalties imposed on a parent, guardian or custodian for child abuse (Judiciary)
- HB 2129: Creating the Parents Bill of Rights (S Second Reading, 03-20)
- HB 2131: Relating to changing the process of election litigation (Judiciary)
- HB 2143: Require elementary school teachers to be certified in the science of reading (Education)
- HB 2157: Provide one trip temporary vehicle permits to be purchased and printed online (Transportation and Infrastructure)
- HB 2158: Relating to removal of a sunset clause for the West Virginia spay and neuter program (Agriculture)
- HB 2164: To allow for public and private schools in West Virginia to employ security personnel (Education)
- HB 2165: Allowing disabled purple heart recipients park free at municipal metered parking spaces (Finance)
- HB 2170: Allowing volunteer fire departments to use fire protection funding for certain purchases (Government Organization)
- HB 2172: Relating to adding an athletic trainer to the Board of Physical Therapy (Government Organization)
- HB 2190: Including Potomac State College in the definition of community and technical college education program for participation in the “Learn and Earn Program” (Education)
- HB 2217: Relating to penalties for conspiracy to commit murder (Judiciary)
- HB 2222: Relating to authorizing certain agencies of the Department of Administration to promulgate legislative rules (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- HB 2233: Authorizing the Department of Environmental Protection to promulgate legislative rules (Judiciary)
- HB 2267: Authorizing Department of Revenue to Promulgate Legislative Rules (Judiciary)
- HB 2331: Relating to authorizing the Office Miners’ Health, Safety, and Training to promulgate a legislative rule relating to the certification, recertification, and training of EMT-Miners and the certification of EMT-M instructors (S First Reading, 03-20)
- HB 2344: Relating generally to traffic safety (Transportation and Infrastructure)
- HB 2347: Relating generally to the creation of mental hygiene regions by the Supreme Court of Appeals (Judiciary)
- HB 2354: Banning certain products from food in West Virginia (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- HB 2358: Relating to postmortem examinations (Government Organization)
- HB 2360: Clarifying the victims of crimes against law-enforcement officers (Judiciary)
- HB 2362: Relating to recognizing the law-enforcement powers of correctional officers employed by the Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation (Government Organization)
- HB 2363: Clarifying the groups of persons to whom the criminal prohibitions related to child pornography are inapplicable when such persons are performing their official or employment duties (Judiciary)
- HB 2382: Camping ban on certain public property (Judiciary)
- HB 2387: To repeal the class A1 Pistol stamp for hunting (Natural Resources)
- HB 2402: Relating to providing access to medical records; providing access to a minor’s medical record (Health and Human Resources)
- HB 2411: To provide and change graduation requirements and change duties relating to academic content standards (Education)
- HB 2434: Relating to establishing the Stop Squatters Act (Judiciary)
- HB 2437: Clarification of penalties for offenses involving Fentanyl (Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health)
- HB 2441: To make those who fail drug test ineligible for unemployment (S Second Reading, 03-20)
- HB 2444: Relating to limiting financial records of limited video lottery permittees that are subject to examination by Lottery Commission (Finance)
- HB 2473: Increasing and maintaining the bracketed tax rates on the privilege of establishing or operating a health maintenance organization (Finance)
- HB 2501: Relating to exemptions of property in bankruptcy proceedings (Finance)
- HB 2511: Relating to charitable bingo and alcohol sales and consumption while such bingo is taking places (Judiciary)
- HB 2513: Enhancing training requirements for county boards of education members (Education)
· HB 2515: Relating to elementary behavior intervention and safety (Education)
- HB 2516: To repeal antiquated and inoperative portions of code (Education)
· HB 2560: Creating Infrastructure Ready Jurisdictions (Economic Development)
- HB 2634: To double the criminal penalty for anyone found guilty of sexual assault on a minor (Judiciary)
- HB 2635: To ensure that classroom sizes are equal without losing a teachers aide (Education)
· HB 2653: Updating the West Virginia Law Institute (Judiciary)
- HB 2659: Adding a special permit for a non-profit entity to be a qualified permit holder in a private outdoor designated area (Judiciary)
· HB 2678: Relating to school zones of public or private schools (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HB 2702: Relating to vacancies in offices of state officials (Judiciary)
· HB 2709: Permitting a voter with a change of address to vote in his or her new precinct without having to cast a provisional ballot (Government Organization)
· HB 2710: Truth in Giving (Judiciary)
· HB 2711: Relating to the repeal of the common law rule against perpetuities by extending it to 1,000 years for all trusts (Judiciary)
- HB 2718: Relating to creating a State Advisory Council on Establishing a Military College (Pending Senate introduction)
- HB 2742: Relating to creating limited waiver from certificate of public convenience and necessity requirement for certain water or sewer services projects (Government Organization)
- HB 2752: Relating to motorcycle safety (Pending Senate introduction)
· HB 2761: Relating generally to magistrate courts (Judiciary)
· HB 2774: Coach Protection Act (Education)
· HB 2781: Relating to the meaning of residence for the Purpose of Bail (Judiciary)
- HB 2802: Relating to in-service training credits for law-enforcement officers (Pending Senate introduction)
· HB 2867: Relating to Small Estates (Judiciary)
· HB 2871: Relating to the crime of negligent homicide (Judiciary)
- HB 2881: Relating to the makeup of the State Police Child Abuse and Neglect Investigations Unit (Pending Senate introduction)
· HB 2942: Administration of the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection Design-Build Pilot Program (Finance)
· HB 2943: Administration of the West Virginia Hazardous Waste Management Act (Finance)
- HB 3017: Compliance Audits of Tabulating Equipment (Government Organization)
· HB 3030: Administration of the West Virginia Water Pollution Control Act (Energy, Industry and Mining)
- HB 3162: Providing that causes of action under Chapter 46A of the Code of West Virginia survive the death of the party (Pending Senate introduction)
Action on House Resolutions in the Senate as of Wednesday, March 19, 2025 (33)
· HCR 5: William “Bill” Harrison Lowther Memorial Bridge (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 6: Private Sidney Washington Memorial Bridge (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 7: U.S. Army Pfc John Wesley Meadows Memorial Bridge (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 8: PFC Lester E. Maynard Memorial Bridge (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 9: Robert S. Pomeroy Memorial Bridge (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 10: USMC PFC Robert Thomas Taylor Memorial Road (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 11: Thomas A. Azinger Memorial Bridge (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 12: Charles “Charlie” Goff Memorial Bridge (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 13: Corporal James E. Jackley Memorial Bridge (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 15: US Marines PFC Delbert Carles Roles Memorial Bridge (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 18: Paul J. Hofe Memorial Bridge (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 20: Tustin Brothers Memorial Bridge (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 21: U. S. Army Private Terry F. Tustin Memorial Bridge (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 22: James M. Ellis Memorial Road (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 23: US Army PFC Calvin E. Spade Memorial Bridge (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 24: Postlethwait Brothers Memorial Bridge (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 25: Waynesburg Pike Road (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 26: Jimmy M. Hutchison Memorial Bridge (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 27: BG Edmund “Frank” Roleff, WVNG Memorial Road (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 28: Frank Lee Maddy Memorial Road (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 29: Sheriff Jeremy Taylor Memorial Road (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 31: U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Quewanncoll “Que” Stephens, Sr. Memorial Bridge (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 32: U. S. Army PVT Leon ‘Deacon’ Stover Memorial Bridge (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 34: U. S. Merchant Marine Joseph Ward Teter Memorial Bridge (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 35: U.S. Air Force Thomas M. Oxley Memorial Road (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 36: US. Marine Corps PFC Darrel Lee Burgess Memorial Bridge (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 37: CPT Ray Leslie Memorial Bridge (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 39: Gold Star Mother Catherine Blake Highway (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 42: U.S. Army Corporal Kenneth H. Tinsley Bridge (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 44: Corporal Charles W. Wolfe Memorial Bridge (Transportation and Infrastructure)
· HCR 45: Charlotte Denise Seymour Hill Memorial Bridge (Transportation and Infrastructure)
- HCR 49: Resolution relating to use of industrial sites and the potential impacts on downstream facilities (Adopted, 03-03)
· HCR 78: Urging the Commissioner of Highways to prioritize completion of I-73, the King Coal Highway (Transportation and Infrastructure)
Bills that Have Completed Legislation as of Wednesday, March 19, 2025 (16 – 11 Senate; 5 House)
- SB 8: Providing additional sites and devices for newborn safe surrender (Completed legislation; awaiting action by Governor)
- SB 138: Enhancing penalties for fleeing officer (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- SB 240: Updating crime of sexual extortion (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- SB 291: Extending time frame for pharmacies to register from annually to biennially (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- SB 358: Authorizing Department of Transportation to promulgate legislative rules (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- SB 443: Authorizing Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Board of Examiners to conduct criminal background checks for licensing (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- SB 456: Defining “men” and “women” (Signed, 03-12)
- SB 462: Permitting Board of Occupational Therapy to require criminal history record checks (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- SB 486: Clarifying eligibility requirements to vote in WV elections (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- SB 487: Removing ineligible voters from active voter rolls (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- SB 490: Prohibiting ranked-choice voting in elections in West Virginia (Signed, 03-18)
- HB 2024: Updating the meaning certain terms used in West Virginia Personal Income Tax Act (Signed, 02-24)
- HB 2025: Updating terms in the Corporation Net Income Tax Act (Signed, 02-24)
- HB 2053: Relating to including the United States Space Force in the definition armed forces (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- HB 2222: Relating to authorizing certain agencies of the Department of Administration to promulgate legislative rules (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- HB 2354: Banning certain products from food in West Virginia (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
Resolutions that Have Completed Legislation as of Wednesday, March 19, 2025 (10 – 5 Senate; 5 House)
- SCR 1: Adopting Joint Rules of Senate and House of Delegates (Adopted, 01-08)
- SCR 2: Authorizing payment of joint expenses (Adopted, 01-08)
- SCR 4: Amending Joint Rules of Senate and House of Delegates (Adopted, 02-12)
- SCR 15: Opposing China’s use of UN Resolution 2758 against Taiwan (Adopted, 03-19)
- SCR 20: Recognizing and commending NCSL on its 50th anniversary (Adopted, 03-18)
- HCR 1: Raising a Joint Assembly to open and publish election returns (Adopted, 01-08)
- HCR 2: Extending an invitation to His Excellency, the Governor, to deliver an address to the Legislature and raising a Joint Assembly therefor (Adopted, 01-08)
- HCR 3: Providing for an adjournment of the Legislature until February 12, 2025 (Adopted, 01-08)
- HCR 4: Raising a Joint Assembly to hear remarks of the Governor (Adopted, 01-12)
- HCR 49: Resolution relating to use of industrial sites and the potential impacts on downstream facilities (Adopted, 03-03)
Bills Signed by the Governor as of Wednesday, March 19, 2025 (4 – 2 Senate; 2 House)
- SB 456: Defining “men” and “women” (Signed, 03-12)
- SB 490: Prohibiting ranked-choice voting in elections in West Virginia (Signed, 03-18)
- HB 2024: Updating the meaning certain terms used in West Virginia Personal Income Tax Act (Signed, 02-24)
- HB 2025: Updating terms in the Corporation Net Income Tax Act (Signed, 02-24)
Committee times and agendas are subject to change. Follow @WVSenClerk on X for updates.
All Senate Committee meetings and floor sessions are available for both live streaming and to watch again in our archives. The link to the Senate’s archived video page can be found here: