Wednesday, March 12, 2025 – 29th Day of Session

 The Senate will convene at 11 a.m.



  • SCR 18: Recognizing intent to create WV Coal Renaissance Act
  • SR 21: Designating March 12, 2025, as WV Tourism Day
  • SR 22: Recognizing 175th anniversary of Wheeling Hospital
  • SR 23: Memorializing life of Janie Lou White




  • Eng. SB 280: Displaying official US motto in public schools
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 500: Transferring audits of volunteer fire departments to Legislative Auditor
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 521: Requiring party affiliations be listed for all candidates
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 532: Making ad valorem taxes on property payable only to county in which property is located
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 606: Relating to notification of breast density
  • Eng. SB 649: Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Health, Office of Inspector General
  • Eng. SB 650: Relating to full-time interventionists




  • Com. Sub. for SB 658: Prohibiting certain persons from receiving compensation for advising or assisting with veterans’ benefits
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2053: Relating to including the United States Space Force in the definition armed forces




  • Com. Sub. for SB 526: Creating Pharmacist Prescribing Authority Act
  • Com. Sub. for SB 592: Relating generally to aboveground storage tanks
  • SB 712: Relating to retirement provisions of systems managed by CPRB (original similar to HB 3180)
  • Com. Sub. for SB 715: Relating to personally identifiable information of member, retirant, beneficiary, or alternate payee of retirement system (original similar to HB 3183)
  • SB 716: Relating to failure to pay required contributions and interest payments for certain retirees who transfer between retirement systems (original similar to HB 3193)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2042: Relating to allowing a guardian ad litem to request the appointment of a court appointed special advocate – (Com. amend. and title amend. pending)

Scheduled Committee Meetings


9:30 a.m.: Natural Resources (208W)

  • Com. Sub. for SB 21: Assessing wildlife impact fee on wind power projects
  • Com. Sub. for SB 701: Classifying forestry equipment for levy purposes

1 p.m.: Select Committee on Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health (451M)

  • Presentation: Emily Birckhead, Executive Director, WV Alliance of Recovery Residences
  • SB 723: Relating to clinical inpatient medical treatment centers for substance use disorder
  • SB 726: Relating to office-based, medication-assisted treatment programs and opioid treatment programs

2 p.m.: Agriculture (208W)

  • Com. Sub. for SB 295: Clarifying non-agricultural status of solar farms
  • Com. Sub. for SB 618: Relating generally to certain farmland tax exemptions and appraisals
  • Com. Sub. for SB 686: Relating to WV commercial feed law

2 p.m.: Banking and Insurance (451M)

  • Com. Sub. for SB 663: Creating Transparency in Financial Services Act
  • Com. Sub. for SB 665: Ensuring that survivor of merger, reorganization, purchase, or assumption of liabilities of bank chartered by WV is insured by FDIC

3 p.m.: Judiciary (208W)

  • Com. Sub. for HB 2222: Relating to authorizing certain agencies of the Department of Administration to promulgate legislative rules

o   Includes: SB 301, Department of Administration rule relating to general administration of records management and preservation; SB 302, Department of Administration rule relating to retention and disposal scheduling; SB 303, Department of Administration rule relating to management of records maintained by Records Center; SB 304, Department of Administration rule relating to exemptions from management services provided by Fleet Management Division; SB 305, Department of Administration rule relating to financial services reporting; SB 306, Information Services and Communications Division rule relating to plan of operation; SB 307, Information Services and Communications Division rule relating to telecommunications payments by spending units; SB 308, Office of Technology rule relating to plan of operation; SB 309, Office of Technology rule relating to telecommunications payments made by state spending units; SB 310, Public Defender Services rule relating to payment of fees and reimbursement of expenses for court-appointed attorneys

  • SB 473: Limiting medical monitoring damages
  • Com. Sub. for HB 2129: Creating the Parents Bill of Rights

3 p.m.: Finance (451M)

  • Budget Presentation: West Virginia Department of Health
  • Budget Presentation: West Virginia Department of Human Services


** Committee times and agendas are subject to change **


Senate Bills to be Introduced Wednesday, March 12, 2025

  • SB 739: Relating to recovery residences (Helton; Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health then Judiciary)
  • SB 740: Establishing Stop Squatters Act (Hamilton, Azinger, Bartlett, Charnock, Deeds, Fuller, Hart, Helton, Jeffries, Martin, Maynard, Morris, Oliverio, Phillips, Queen, Roberts, Rose, Takubo, Tarr, Taylor, Thorne, Willis, Woodrum; Judiciary)
  • SB 741: Authorizing State Auditor to conduct fairness hearings (Azinger, Oliverio, Morris; Banking and Insurance)
  • SB 742: Relating generally to jurisdiction in magistrate courts (Azinger, Oliverio, Morris, Charnock; Judiciary)
  • SB 743: Adjusting percentage of tax retained by clerk of county commission for certain purposes (FN) (Jeffries, Grady, Helton, Tarr; Government Organization then Finance)
  • SB 744: Relating to purchase of commodities and services from handicapped (Rucker; Government Organization)
  • SB 745: Strengthening and reforming lobbying requirements (Stuart; Judiciary)
  • SR 24: Designating March 13, 2025, as Tucker County Day (Smith)
  • SR 25: Designating March 13, 2025, as Wear Red Day (Grady)
  • SR 26: Recognizing March 13, 2025, as National K9 Veterans Day (Weld, Smith)
  • SR 27: Congratulating Taylor County Middle school football team for winning 2024 Mid-8 Championship (Taylor)

* (FN) indicates the bill has a Fiscal Note

* (IB) indicates the bill is an Interim Bill

Committee Action on Bills from Tuesday, March 11, 2025

9:30 a.m.: Government Organization

  • SB 538: Allowing certain entities to purchase qualifying tax-delinquent properties before they are offered at public auction
  • Bill laid over to a future meeting
  • SB 709: Repealing provisions of code that exempt Department of Transportation, Tax Division, and Bureau of Social Services from Division of Personnel
  • Bill reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass; second reference to Finance
  • SB 577: Clarifying prohibited practices by manufacturer, factory branch, distributor, or distributor branch when providing new motor vehicle to dealer
  • Bill reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass; second reference to Finance
  • Com. Sub. for SB 546: Authorizing county commissions to levy additional excise tax on transferring real property to fund local economic development
  • Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass; second reference to Finance

9:30 a.m.: Education

  • Com. Sub. for SB 220: Authorizing child sexual abuse and sexual violence prevention program and in-service training in child sexual abuse prevention
  • Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass; second reference to Judiciary
  • Com. Sub. for SB 449: Permitting compressed air and rimfire shooting teams in public schools
  • Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
  • Com. Sub. for SB 548: Creating Safety and Violence Education for Students Act
  • Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass; second reference to Finance

1 p.m.: Health and Human Resources

  • Com. Sub. for SB 614: Authorizing over-the-counter sale of ivermectin
  • Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass; second reference to Judiciary
  • Com. Sub. for SB 297: Requiring coverage for certain pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders in certain circumstances
  • Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass; second reference to Finance
  • Com. Sub. for SB 689: State Sovereignty Act of 2025
  • Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass; second reference to Judiciary
  • Com. Sub. for SB 707: Providing increase in salary to WV Birth-to-Three contracted therapists and employees
  • Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass; second reference to Finance

3 p.m.: Judiciary

  • Com. Sub. for SB 586: Relating to requirements for filling vacancies in certain elected federal, state, and county offices
  • Committee substitute, as amended, reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
  • Com. Sub. for SB 102: Modifying form of certain deeds
  • Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
  • Com. Sub. for SB 543: Clarifying oversight by Attorney General of political subdivision’s hiring of private attorney under contingency fee or contract to sue
  • Motion to report committee substitute to the full Senate rejected; bill not reported
  • Com. Sub. for SJR 6: Elimination of Business Inventory Tax Amendment
  • Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it be adopted; second reference to Finance

Bills that Have Passed the Senate as of Tuesday, March 11, 2025 (67 – 64 Senate; 3 House)


  • SB 5: Establishing Adopt-A-Road program (House Energy and Public Works)
  • SB 8: Providing additional sites and devices for newborn safe surrender (House Judiciary)
  • SB 22: Applying penalties for nonpayment of royalties under terms of oil and natural gas leases (House Judiciary)
  • SB 29: Allowing physicians assistants to own practice (House Health and Human Resources)
  • SB 50: Requiring municipal elections to be held on same day as statewide elections (House Judiciary)
  • SB 92: Glucagon for Schools Act (House Education)
  • SB 103: Exempting certain records from public release (House Judiciary)
  • SB 117: Exempting certain physicians from specified traffic laws when responding to emergencies (House Judiciary)
  • SB 121: Updating language and increasing penalties for indecent exposure (House Judiciary)
  • SB 124: Reducing statute of limitations on actions to recover on oral and written contracts (House Judiciary)
  • SB 136: Increasing penalties and parole eligibility requirements for homicide (House Judiciary)
  • SB 138: Enhancing penalties for fleeing officer (Passed House; pending Senate concurrence to House amendment)
  • SB 139: Relating to filling of vacancies in Legislature (House Judiciary)
  • SB 151: Creating crime of assault on police dogs and other public safety animals (House Judiciary)
  • SB 154: Prohibiting sexual orientation instruction in public schools (House Education)
  • SB 155: Establishing Summer Feeding for All Program (House Education)
  • SB 196: Lauren’s Law (Pending House introduction)
  • SB 198: Prohibiting creation, production, distribution, or possession of artificially generated child pornography (House Judiciary)
  • SB 199: Relating to elementary behavior intervention and safety (House Education)
  • SB 234: Increasing value at which municipal property must be sold through public auction (House Government Organization)
  • SB 240: Updating crime of sexual extortion (Passed House; pending Senate concurrence to House amendment)
  • SB 257: Providing protection for property owner when someone visiting private cemetery causes damage to property (Pending House introduction)
  • SB 267: Extending time for renewal and restoration of commercial driver’s licenses (House Energy and Public Works)
  • SB 269: Modifying requirements for public water systems or businesses having backflow preventers (House Energy and Public Works)
  • SB 270: Declaring sale and manufacture of firearms essential business during declared emergency (House Judiciary)
  • SB 275: Removing requirement school cooks or custodians have high school diploma or equivalent (House Education)
  • SB 282: Modifying provisions for employment of retired teachers as substitutes in areas of critical need and shortage (House Education)
  • SB 283: Expanding grade levels of personal finance course requirements needed for graduation (House Education)
  • SB 284: Relating to county board of education member orientation and compensation (House Education)
  • SB 291: Extending time frame for pharmacies to register from annually to biennially (H Second Reading, 03-12)
  • SB 299: Modifying WV regulations on pubertal modulation, hormonal therapy, and gender reassignment (House Health and Human Resources)
  • SB 325: Department of Health rule relating to general provisions of Medical Cannabis Program (Health and Human Resources)
  • SB 336: Authorizing Department of Homeland Security to promulgate legislative rules (House Judiciary)
  • SB 358: Authorizing Department of Transportation to promulgate legislative rules (H Third Reading, 03-12)
  • SB 369: Authorizing miscellaneous boards and agencies to promulgate legislative rules (House Government Organization)
  • SB 427: Permitting certain teenagers to work without obtaining work permit (House Government Organization)
  • SB 443: Authorizing Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Board of Examiners to conduct criminal background checks for licensing (H Second Reading, 03-12)
  • SB 456: Defining “men” and “women” (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
  • SB 458: Universal Professional and Occupational Licensing Act of 2025 (House Government Organization)
  • SB 459: Requiring county planning commission members be state residents (House Government Organization)
  • SB 460: Relating to vaccine requirements (House Health and Human Resources)
  • SB 462: Permitting Board of Occupational Therapy to require criminal history record checks (H Second Reading, 03-12)
  • SB 482: Certified Professional Midwife Licensing and Regulation (House Government Organization)
  • SB 483: Increasing civil penalties for failure to file required campaign finance reports (House Judiciary)
  • SB 485: Exempting West Virginia Secretary of State from competitive bidding process (House Government Organization)
  • SB 486: Clarifying eligibility requirements to vote in WV elections (House Judiciary)
  • SB 487: Removing ineligible voters from active voter rolls (House Judiciary)
  • SB 488: Clarifying definition of electioneering (House Judiciary)
  • SB 490: Prohibiting ranked-choice voting in elections in West Virginia (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
  • SB 492: Removing outdated provisions governing political committees (House Judiciary)
  • SB 496: Removing reflexology and other energy-based work from definition of “massage therapy” (House Government Organization)
  • SB 501: Relating to loan form (Pending House introduction)
  • SB 503: Allowing sheriffs to appoint more than one chief deputy with consent of county commission (House Government Organization)
  • SB 522: Clarifying procedure for administrative dissolution of limited liability companies by Secretary of State (Pending House introduction)
  • SB 525: Clarifying procedure for administrative dissolution of nonprofit corporations by Secretary of State (Pending House introduction)
  • SB 534: Clarifying qualifications to be licensed to administer polygraphs (House Government Organization)
  • SB 537: Establishing WV Mothers and Babies Pregnancy Support Program (House Health and Human Resources)
  • SB 552: Relating to Certified Business Expansion Development Program (House Energy and Public Works)
  • SB 561: Relating to Uniform Special Deposits Act (Pending House introduction)
  • SB 565: Relating generally to practice of optometry (House Health and Human Resources)
  • SB 573: Relating to restrictions on use or sale of motor vehicles based on power source (House Energy and Public Works)
  • SB 581: Relating to school attendance and student participation in 4-H activities (House Education)
  • SB 612: Making rules and regulations of PSC subject to legislative rule-making review procedures (House Energy and Public Works)
  • SB 627: Removing prohibition against leasing state-owned pore spaces underlying lands designated as state parks (House Energy and Public Works)
  • HB 2024: Updating the meaning certain terms used in West Virginia Personal Income Tax Act (Signed, 02-24)
  • HB 2025: Updating terms in the Corporation Net Income Tax Act (Signed, 02-24)
  • HB 2354: Banning certain products from food in West Virginia (Passed Senate; pending House concurrence to Senate amendment)

Senate Resolutions that Have Been Adopted by the Senate as of Tuesday, March 11, 2025 (3)

  • SCR 1: Adopting Joint Rules of Senate and House of Delegates (Adopted, 01-08)
  • SCR 2: Authorizing payment of joint expenses (Adopted, 01-08)
  • SCR 4: Amending Joint Rules of Senate and House of Delegates (Adopted, 02-12)

Action on House Bills in the Senate as of Tuesday, March 11, 2025 (42)


  • HB 2008: Executive Branch Reorganization (Pending Senate introduction)
  • HB 2009: Relating to the merging and reorganizing of the executive branch (Pending Senate introduction)
  • HB 2024: Updating the meaning certain terms used in West Virginia Personal Income Tax Act (Signed, 02-24)
  • HB 2025: Updating terms in the Corporation Net Income Tax Act (Signed, 02-24)
  • HB 2042: Relating to allowing a guardian ad litem to request the appointment of a court appointed special advocate (S First Reading, 03-12)
  • HB 2047: Prohibiting cameras and recording devices in bedrooms and bathrooms of foster children (Health and Human Resources)
  • HB 2053: Relating to including the United States Space Force in the definition armed forces (S Second Reading, 03-12)
  • HB 2065: To allow Gold Star parents to receive one free Gold Star vehicle registration for personal use (Transportation and Infrastructure)
  • HB 2066: Creating a crime for the destruction of first responder equipment (Judiciary)
  • HB 2117: Relating to when Mail In Ballots are Due (Government Organization)
  • HB 2123: Modifying the criminal penalties imposed on a parent, guardian or custodian for child abuse (Judiciary)
  • HB 2129: Creating the Parents Bill of Rights (Judiciary)
  • HB 2157: Provide one trip temporary vehicle permits to be purchased and printed online (Transportation and Infrastructure)
  • HB 2158: Relating to removal of a sunset clause for the West Virginia spay and neuter program (Agriculture)
  • HB 2170: Allowing volunteer fire departments to use fire protection funding for certain purchases (Government Organization)
  • HB 2190: Including Potomac State College in the definition of community and technical college education program for participation in the “Learn and Earn Program” (Pending Senate introduction)
  • HB 2217: Relating to penalties for conspiracy to commit murder (Judiciary)
  • HB 2222: Relating to authorizing the Department of Administration to promulgate a legislative rule relating to retention and disposal scheduling (Judiciary)
  • HB 2267: Authorizing Department of Revenue to Promulgate Legislative Rules (Judiciary)
  • HB 2331: Relating to authorizing the Office Miners’ Health, Safety, and Training to promulgate a legislative rule relating to the certification, recertification, and training of EMT-Miners and the certification of EMT-M instructors (Judiciary)
  • HB 2344: Relating generally to traffic safety (Transportation and Infrastructure)
  • HB 2354: Banning certain products from food in West Virginia (Passed Senate; pending House concurrence to Senate amendment)
  • HB 2360: Clarifying the victims of crimes against law-enforcement officers (Judiciary)
  • HB 2362: Relating to recognizing the law-enforcement powers of correctional officers employed by the Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation (Government Organization)
  • HB 2363: Clarifying the groups of persons to whom the criminal prohibitions related to child pornography are inapplicable when such persons are performing their official or employment duties (Judiciary)
  • HB 2382: Camping ban on certain public property (Pending Senate introduction)
  • HB 2411: To provide and change graduation requirements and change duties relating to academic content standards (Pending Senate introduction)
  • HB 2434: Relating to establishing the Stop Squatters Act (Judiciary)
  • HB 2437: Clarification of penalties for offenses involving Fentanyl (Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health)
  • HB 2441: To make those who fail drug test ineligible for unemployment (Workforce)
  • HB 2444: Relating to limiting financial records of limited video lottery permittees that are subject to examination by Lottery Commission (Finance)
  • HB 2511: Relating to charitable bingo and alcohol sales and consumption while such bingo is taking places (Judiciary)

·       HB 2515: Relating to elementary behavior intervention and safety (Education)

·       HB 2560: Creating Infrastructure Ready Jurisdictions (Economic Development)

  • HB 2634: To double the criminal penalty for anyone found guilty of sexual assault on a minor (Pending Senate introduction)

·       HB 2653: Updating the West Virginia Law Institute (Judiciary)

·       HB 2678: Relating to school zones of public or private schools (Transportation and Infrastructure)

·       HB 2709: Permitting a voter with a change of address to vote in his or her new precinct without having to cast a provisional ballot (Government Organization)

·       HB 2710: Truth in Giving (Judiciary)

·       HB 2871: Relating to the crime of negligent homicide (Judiciary)

·       HB 2942: Administration of the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection Design-Build Pilot Program (Energy, Industry and Mining)

·       HB 2943: Administration of the West Virginia Hazardous Waste Management Act (Energy, Industry and Mining)


Action on House Resolutions in the Senate as of Tuesday, March 11, 2025 (1)

  • HCR 49: Resolution relating to use of industrial sites and the potential impacts on downstream facilities (Adopted, 03-03)

Bills that Have Completed Legislation as of Tuesday, March 11, 2025 (4 – 2 Senate; 2 House)

  • SB 456: Defining “men” and “women” (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
  • SB 490: Prohibiting ranked-choice voting in elections in West Virginia (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
  • HB 2024: Updating the meaning certain terms used in West Virginia Personal Income Tax Act (Signed, 02-24)
  • HB 2025: Updating terms in the Corporation Net Income Tax Act (Signed, 02-24)

Resolutions that Have Completed Legislation as of Tuesday, March 11, 2025 (8 – 3 Senate; 5 House)

  • SCR 1: Adopting Joint Rules of Senate and House of Delegates (Adopted, 01-08)
  • SCR 2: Authorizing payment of joint expenses (Adopted, 01-08)
  • SCR 4: Amending Joint Rules of Senate and House of Delegates (Adopted, 02-12)
  • HCR 1: Raising a Joint Assembly to open and publish election returns (Adopted, 01-08)
  • HCR 2: Extending an invitation to His Excellency, the Governor, to deliver an address to the Legislature and raising a Joint Assembly therefor (Adopted, 01-08)
  • HCR 3: Providing for an adjournment of the Legislature until February 12, 2025 (Adopted, 01-08)
  • HCR 4: Raising a Joint Assembly to hear remarks of the Governor (Adopted, 01-12)
  • HCR 49: Resolution relating to use of industrial sites and the potential impacts on downstream facilities (Adopted, 03-03)

Bills Signed by the Governor as of Tuesday, March 11, 2025 (2 – 2 House)

  • HB 2024: Updating the meaning certain terms used in West Virginia Personal Income Tax Act (Signed, 02-24)
  • HB 2025: Updating terms in the Corporation Net Income Tax Act (Signed, 02-24)

Committee times and agendas are subject to change. Follow @WVSenClerk on X for updates.

All Senate Committee meetings and floor sessions are available for both live streaming and to watch again in our archives. The link to the Senate’s archived video page can be found here: