Thursday, February 20, 2025 – 9th Day of Session
The Senate will convene at 11 a.m.
- SR 9: Recognizing Court Appointed Special Advocates
- SR 10: Designating February 20, 2025, as Human Resources Day at Legislature
- SR 11: Recognizing Cottage Hill Farm as WV outstanding family-owned Hereford cattle farm for 2024
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 460: Relating to vaccine requirements
- Com. Sub. for SB 138: Enhancing penalties for fleeing officer
- Com. Sub. for SB 139: Relating to filling of vacancies in Legislature
- Com. Sub. for SB 269: Modifying requirements for public water systems or businesses having backflow preventers
- Com. Sub. for SB 8: Providing additional sites and devices for newborn safe surrender
- Com. Sub. for SB 151: Creating crime of assault on police dogs and other public safety animals
- Com. Sub. for SB 240: Updating crime of sexual extortion
- Com. Sub. for SB 270: Declaring sale and manufacture of firearms essential business during declared emergency
- Com. Sub. for SB 275: Removing requirement school cooks or custodians have high school diploma or equivalent
- Com. Sub. for SB 282: Modifying provisions for employment of retired teachers as substitutes in areas of critical need and shortage
- Com. Sub. for SB 283: Expanding grade levels of personal finance course requirements needed for graduation
Scheduled Committee Meetings
9:30 a.m.: Government Organization (208W)
- Com. Sub. For SB 71: WV Monument and Memorial Protection Act of 2025
- Com. Sub. For SB 443: Criminal background checks for licensing
- Com. Sub. For SB 462: Permitting Board of Occupational Therapy to require criminal history record checks
9:30 a.m.: Education (451M)
- SB 37: Allowing Teachers Retirement System members to exchange unused leave for monetary compensation
- SB 154: Prohibiting public schools from requiring students to participate in sexual orientation instruction
- SB 158: Modifying eligibility requirements for serving as member of State Board of Education
- SB 480: Allowing licensed substitute and full-time teachers to serve as parent volunteers without additional background check
1 p.m.: Economic Development (208W)
- SB 552: Relating to the Certified Business Industrial Expansion Development Program *
* pending introduction of bill during Thursday’s floor session
1 p.m.: Health and Human Resources (451M)
- SB 92: Glucagon for Schools Act
- SB 291: Extending time frame for pharmacies to register from annually to biennially
- SB 292: Allowing doula services be covered by Medicaid and PEIA
- SB 430: Relating to cost-sharing requirements for breast examinations
- SB 526: Creating the Pharmacist Prescribing Authority Act
3 p.m.: Judiciary (208W)
- Com. Sub. for SB 358: Department of Transportation Bundle
o Includes: SB 353, DOH rule relating to construction and reconstruction of state roads; SB 354, DOH rule relating to use of state rights-of-way and adjacent areas; SB 355, DOH rule relating to transportation of hazardous wastes on roads and highways; SB 356, DOH rule relating to small wireless facilities on state rights-of-way; SB 357, DMV rule relating to actions affecting driving privileges; SB 358, DMV rule relating to disclosure of information from division files; SB 359; DMV rule relating to handicapped placards; SB 360, DMV rule relating to Safety and Treatment Program; SB 361, DMV rule relating to State Vehicle Title, Registration, and Relicensing Project of 2018; SB 362, Parkways Authority rule relating to supporting electronic toll collection and enforcement
- Com. Sub. for SB 31: Relating to DNA data maintained for law-enforcement purposes
- SJR 8: Citizenship Requirement to Vote in WV Elections Amendment
3 p.m.: Finance (451M)
- Budget Presentation: West Virginia Department of Administration – Eric Householder, Cabinet Secretary
- Budget Presentation: West Virginia Department of Agriculture – Kent Leonhardt, Commissioner
- Budget Presentation: West Virginia Conservation Agency – Judith Lyons, Executive Director
** Committee times and agendas are subject to change **
Senate Bills to be Introduced Thursday, February 20, 2025
- SB 545: Relating to school nutritional programs (Barrett; Health and Human Resources)
- SB 546: Authorizing county commissions to levy additional excise tax on transferring real property to fund local economic development (Jeffries; Government Organization then Finance)
- SB 547: Creating Charter Schools Startup Fund (FN) (Rucker; Finance)
- SB 548: Creating Safety and Violence Education for Students Act (Grady; Education then Finance)
- SB 549: Eliminating income tax on qualified tipped wages (Woelfel; Finance)
- SB 550: Relating generally to Office of State Fire Marshal (Deeds; Judiciary then Finance)
- SB 551: Increasing penalty for murder in second degree (Weld; Judiciary)
- SB 552: Relating to Certified Business Industrial Expansion Development Program (Jeffries; Economic Development)
- SB 553: Relating to offense of driving above speed limit on controlled access highway or interstate highway (Garcia; Transportation and Infrastructure then Banking and Insurance)
- SB 554: Establishing Raylee’s Law (Garcia; Education then Judiciary)
- SB 555: Relating to public sector unions (Tarr; Government Organization)
- SB 556: Prohibiting requirement of certain immunizations as condition of being foster parent (Tarr, Chapman; Health and Human Resources)
- SB 557: Relating to licensing by WV Board of Medicine (Takubo; Health and Human Resources)
- SB 558: Requiring computer science course prior to graduation (Oliverio, Boley; Education then Finance)
- SB 559: Requiring legal actions concerning WVSSAC to be filed in Wood or Kanawha County (Oliverio, Boley, Charnock; Education)
- SB 560: Allowing counties and municipalities to limit utility scale renewable energy facilities (Thorne; Economic Development then Finance)
- SB 561: Relating to Uniform Special Deposits Act (IB) (Oliverio, Queen, Taylor, Woelfel, Charnock; Banking and Insurance)
- SB 562: Relating to Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act (IB) (Oliverio, Queen, Taylor, Woelfel, Charnock; Health and Human Resources then Judiciary)
- SJR 10: State Senate and House of Delegates Term Limits Amendment (Woelfel, Garcia; Judiciary then Finance)
* (FN) indicates the bill has a Fiscal Note
* (IB) indicates the bill is an Interim Bill
Committee Action on Bills from Wednesday, February 19, 2025
3 p.m.: Judiciary
· Com. Sub. for SB 246: Violent Crime Prevention Act
· Bill referred to subcommittee; Tarr (R-Putnam), Fuller (R-Wayne), Taylor (R-Taylor), Garcia (D-Marion), and Hart (R-Mingo) appointed
· Com. Sub. for SB 136: Modifying parole eligibility for person serving sentence for first degree murder
· Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
· Com. Sub. for SB 336: Department of Homeland Security Bundle
o Includes: SB 335, Governor’s Committee on Crime, Delinquency, and Correction rule relating to protocol for law-enforcement response to child abuse and neglect; SB 336, Governor’s Committee on Crime, Delinquency, and Correction rule relating to sexual assault forensic examinations; SB 337, Division of Protective Services rule relating to ranks and duties of officers within membership of division; SB 338, State Emergency Response Commission rule relating to Emergency Planning Grant Program; SB 339, State Police rule relating to cadet selection; SB 340, State Police rule relating to WV State Police Career Progression System
· Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
Resolutions that Have Been Adopted by the Senate as of Wednesday, February 19, 2025 (3)
- SCR 1: Adopting Joint Rules of Senate and House of Delegates (Adopted, 01-08)
- SCR 2: Authorizing payment of joint expenses (Adopted, 01-08)
- SCR 4: Amending Joint Rules of Senate and House of Delegates (Adopted, 02-12)
Action on House Bills in the Senate as of Wednesday, February 19, 2025 (2)
- HB 2024: Updating the meaning certain terms used in West Virginia Personal Income Tax Act (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- HB 2025: Updating terms in the Corporation Net Income Tax Act (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
Action on House Resolutions in the Senate as of Wednesday, February 19, 2025 (1)
- HCR 49: Resolution relating to use of industrial sites and the potential impacts on downstream facilities (Natural Resources)
Bills that Have Completed Legislation as of Wednesday, February 19, 2025 (2 – 2 House)
- HB 2024: Updating the meaning certain terms used in West Virginia Personal Income Tax Act (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- HB 2025: Updating terms in the Corporation Net Income Tax Act (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
Resolutions that Have Completed Legislation as of Wednesday, February 19, 2025 (7 – 3 Senate; 4 House)
- SCR 1: Adopting Joint Rules of Senate and House of Delegates (Adopted, 01-08)
- SCR 2: Authorizing payment of joint expenses (Adopted, 01-08)
- SCR 4: Amending Joint Rules of Senate and House of Delegates (Adopted, 02-12)
- HCR 1: Raising a Joint Assembly to open and publish election returns (Adopted, 01-08)
- HCR 2: Extending an invitation to His Excellency, the Governor, to deliver an address to the Legislature and raising a Joint Assembly therefor (Adopted, 01-08)
- HCR 3: Providing for an adjournment of the Legislature until February 12, 2025 (Adopted, 01-08)
- HCR 4: Raising a Joint Assembly to hear remarks of the Governor (Adopted, 01-12)
Committee times and agendas are subject to change. Follow @WVSenClerk on X for updates.
All Senate Committee meetings and floor sessions are available for both live streaming and to watch again in our archives. The link to the Senate’s archived video page can be found here: