Here is a list of current delays due to the anticipated precipitation and wind that could occur during the morning commute:
Garrett County MD — For Thursday, December 5, the state has declared liberal leave beginning at 6 am through the end of day shift in Garrett County. Emergency essential employees should report as scheduled. Non-emergency essential employees who report to the office to work may use liberal leave upon notification to the employee’s supervisor. Teleworkers should work as scheduled unless leave is granted.
—Berkeley, Jefferson and Morgan County Schools are operating on a two hour delay today.
—St. Joseph School in Martinsburg will open TWO HOURS LATE on Thursday.
Before-school care will begin at 9 a.m. and the doors will open at 9:55 a.m.
NO breakfast will be served. There will be no morning bus service.
—Frederick County Public Schools
Frederick County (Virginia) Public Schools are NOW CLOSED today, December 5. Offices will open on time. Liberal leave is in effect.