CHARLES TOWN, W.Va. — Jefferson County Commissioners Tricia Jackson and Jennifer Krouse on the order of a three judge panel.

Jennifer Krouse

Tricia Jackson (Photo: Jefferson County GOP)

Toni Milbourne of the Journal broke the news Wednesday afternoon.

The order, handed down in the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, lays out the complaints in detail and goes through some of the evidence brought forth by Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorney Matt Harvey in making his case that the two were derelict in their responsibilities to the county and that residents of the county stood to have services interrupted or grants go unfunded because without a quorum, the Jefferson County Commission could not meet.

The order says the defendants’ refusal to attend meetings  “amount to a willful and intentional failure to perform essential duties of their office”

In their decision, a three judge panel consisting of Judges Joseph Reeder, Perry Joe DeChristopher, and Jason Wharton says, “Whereupon based on the facts and law stated here in, the arguments of counsel, the evidence presented in the hearing, and in the whole record, the court finds that the allegations of the removal petition of either official misconduct, and or neglect of duty, have been proven by clear and convincing evidence and are sufficient to warrant the removal of the respondent commissioners from office.”

Both of the now former commissioners said at the time they were not attending meetings because Jefferson County Commission President Steve Stolipher was putting an item on the agenda they took issue with, the replacement of former commissioner Clare Anne Ath.  Both disagreed with the way the three candidates to replace her were determined by the county’s Republican Executive Committee.

Asked for a comment by Metronews Statewide Correspondent Brad McElhinny, former Commissioner Jackson said, “I am working with my attorney and plan to file an immediate appeal. In the meantime, my focus turns fully toward the May 14th primary.”  Jackson is running for state auditor.

Following are some of the relevant documents from the ruling: