BERKELEY SPRINGS, W.Va. — Morgan County Emergency Services saw a decrease in calls for services during the first quarter of 2024.
They also saw a big decrease in the number of 911 hang up calls.
After averaging 4.6 such calls a day last year, the first quarter of the year saw those numbers decrease by 226 from 437 last year at this time to 211.
The announcement goes on to thank the public for their help with the decrease.
“These calls while normal non emergent require resources to be committed until that can be proven, according to the post. “Very often that will include a law enforcement response when the caller doesn’t answer return calls/text or refuses to provide the needed information to confirm they are safe.”
“While some part of this decrease is from new technologies added and being able to quickly send a text to start the need(ed) conversation, much of it is due to our citizens following information shared on this (site) and other media outlets to help decrease these events. Thus keeping personnel available to handle emergency incidents.”
A comparison of Quarter One incidents from 2023 to 2024 is as follows: 

*Law incidents 2287 (2024) to 2781 (2023) — a decrease of 494 incident decrease.
*EMS incidents 596 (2024) to 593 (2023) — a three incident increase.
*Fire incidents 362 (2024) of which 12 have been structural related) to 323 (2023) of which 16 were structural related — a 39 incident increase.
***911 Hang ups calls*** 211 (2024) to 437 (2023) — a 226 decrease.
*Total incidents 4100 (2024) to 4778 (2023) — a 678 incident decrease.