BERKELEY SPRINGS, W.Va. — Morgan County Emergency Services and their partner agencies are hoping to “address” an ongoing issue.

According to a note this week on their social media pages, there are continuing issues with improper addresses being used as well as addresses not being displayed or being displayed improperly.

“While this may not seem to be relative, during emergencies this can increase call process times leading to delays in dispatch,” the announcement says.

“With addresses not displayed correct it again can extend the time it takes emergency responders to locate incidents.”

The announcement includes a link viewers can click to verify they are using the correct information, as well as tips on

how to properly display your address at the same website by reviewing the 911 Mapping and Addressing Ordinance.

A few areas of major concerns, according to the announcement:

Tri Lake Park (incorrect and improper display)
Town of Paw Paw (incorrect and improper display)
Town of Berkeley Springs (mainly improper display)
Sleep Creek Campground (incorrect and improperly displayed)
Houses in the area of Pious Ridge and Culp Road (incorrect and improper display)


Photo: Morgan County Emergency Services