BERKELEY SPRINGS, W.Va. — Morgan County Sheriff KC Bohrer has to close his administrative office again next week (Nov 15 and 16) due to staffing issues.
The sheriff tells the Panhandle News Network he only has one full-time administrative secretary and two part-time office employees. Over the past two weeks, he has had to close the office periodically.
“I have sought additional positions from county commission for several years but have not been granted them,” he said.
His full time employee is out on family medical leave after having a baby. Both of his part-time office helpers are out due to medical issues.
“Emergencies never come through that office,” he said. “All of them go to 911 and for that matter all police requests as well are dispatched through that center.”
The non-emergency line is 304-258-0305.
“All calls to our office have an automated answering system that directs folks, takes messages, etc. I check messages several times daily when there is no staff so I can try to attend to everyone’s needs,” the sheriff said.
The office is for administrative reports, concealed weapons permits and any other non-emergency administrative contact according to Sheriff Bohrer, who said, “I plan to seek additional help in this next year’s budget and have stressed the need to the county commission.”