CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The Public Service Commission of West Virginia takes public comments on Nov. 2 in two West Virginia-American Water Company rate cases.

The Commission in these proceedings is introducing a new virtual hearings process in hopes of opening access to the public. Comments will be taken virtually online and also in person by the Commission sitting as a tribunal at the PSC headquarters at 201 Brooks St., Charleston.

The Commission received complaints in the past about the difficulty of attending regional meetings. “The Commission hopes to ease the burden on those wishing to speak at a public comment hearing by scheduling a virtual public comment hearing that will allow all interested persons to comment virtually using either a telephone and/or internet service,” the PSC said.

The public comment hearing in both cases begins at 5:30 p.m. on Nov. 2. The hearing will be livestreamed. Fifty-eight written comments have been received.

On May 1, West Virginia-American filed for a $41.2 million increase in water rates, which would boost revenues 22.5 percent. It simultaneously asked for a $471,000 increase, a 24.9 percent increase, in sewer rates.

Those wishing to make comments telephonically, through the Microsoft Teams application from the internet, or in-person at the Commission headquarters are asked to register with the PSC by 4 p.m. Oct. 27.

Registration may be made by any of the following methods: (1) through the Microsoft Teams meeting link in the photo carousel on the Commission’s website, located just below the “PSC Hot Topics” section at the top of the homepage; (2) by calling (304) 340-0822 (Jean Potter) or (304) 340-0820 (Andrew Gallagher); or (3) by emailing [email protected] or [email protected].

More information on these cases can be found on the PSC website: Click on “Case Information” and access Case Nos. 23-0383-W-42T and 23-0384-S-42T.