BERKELEY SPRINGS, W.Va. — The Berkeley Springs Police Department has released traffic advisories for the upcoming Apple Butter Festival.
Some of the road closures could start as early as Friday afternoon and will last through Sunday October 8th at 5 p.m.
On the map released by the police department, the streets in red are closed: Independence St. west & east to Mercer, Congress St west & east to Mercer St., Fairfax St. west & east to Mercer St., Bath St., Wilkes St between Congress and Fairfax St.
The streets in blue are one way only – Mercer St. from Independence to Martinsburg Road runs South, Green St. runs North. The road closures will likely happen starting on Friday afternoon. All closures will be in place by 7 am on Saturday October 7th.
US 522 will be closed from 8:45/9am for about an hour from the Widmeyer Elementary School to the Train Station (US 522 & Williams St.) on Oct 7th, please take an alternative route if planning on passing through. Anyone traveling to Berkeley Springs from the Great Cacapon area (Rt. 9) that wishes to travel south on US 522 is encouraged to use Cold Run Valley Road during the parade closure.
“More information on the Block Party slated for Friday evening Oct. 6th will be coming soon. This may determine exactly when Mercer and Green Street change to one-way traffic only.”
The Berkeley Springs Police Department reminds motorists to follow posted signage.