CHARLES TOWN, W.Va. — At Monday night’s Jefferson County Board of Education meeting, Deputy Superintendent of Operations, Joyce White gave an update on a recent request to the state School Building Authority for the new Shepherdstown Elementary School.

Mrs. White also brought news of another grant, this time to preserve an important part of the county’s history.

She also updated the board about the progress at Ranson Elementary School.

Also at Monday night’s Jefferson County Board of Education meeting, Lieutenant Williams made a presentation about school safety. There are several components, including Hold, Secure, Lockdown:

The final item is evacuate, with the Jefferson County Fairgrounds as a staging area for students to be reunited with parents or guardians.

In other Board of Education news from Monday night’s meeting, David Banks. Deputy Superintendent of Instructional Support gave the board the state assessment results for Jefferson County Schools.

The results were similar in reading.

Story by the Panhandle News Network’s Al Gaige