CHARLESTON, W.Va. — State Revenue Secretary Dave Hardy has a tip for state taxpayers—-don’t pay your personal property tax bill all at once this year.

Those tax tickets are starting to come in the mail to state residents. Those are the ones that list personal property taxes including the annual tax on automobiles. The dollar-for-dollar tax credit for automobile taxes was part or the new state law passed earlier this year by lawmakers. That part of the law doesn’t take effect until Jan. 1, 2024, so Hardy said it’s better to pay the bill in two halves instead of all at once.

Hardy said a lot of people pay their full personal property tax bills when they get them from their county assessors in late summer but only paying half will be advantageous for this one year.

Hardy says, “The statute specifically says they must be timely paid. We’re glad the legislature put that and I’m sure county officials are glad the word ‘timely paid’ is in the legislation,”

Timely in this case means by Oct. 1, 2023, for the first half payment and April 1, 2024, for the second half payment.





Article by Metronews