MARTINSBURG, W.Va. — The Berkeley County Solid Waste Authority (BCSWA) has announced the winners on the 2023 Operation Greenlid School Recycling Contest.

Operation Greenlid is a voluntary school recycling contest conducted with support from Apple Valley Waste for the past 8 years.

Participating schools fill 96-gallon recycling totes provided by Apple Valley Waste. Once filled with recycling, volunteers from the participating school deliver the totes to the Berkeley County Recycling Program. Each tote is tallied at the end of the school year. In school year 2022-2023, the three schools combined collected a total of more than 1,100 totes of material for recycling.

The winners for school year 2022- 2023 are:

1st Place: Saint Joseph School – collected an estimated 580 totes.

2nd Place: Martinsburg South Middle School – estimated 323 totes.

3rd Place: Hedgesville Elementary School – estimated 218 totes.

Representatives and students from all three (3) schools attended the Berkeley County Council meeting on May 18, 2023, where they were each presented the awards. Saint Joseph School was presented a check for $500.00 from the BCSWA and two (2) $50 Amazon gift cards from Apple Valley Waste. Martinsburg South Middle School was presented a check for $300.00 and one (1) $50 Amazon gift cards from Apple Valley Waste. Hedgesville Elementary School was presented a check for $200.00 and one (1) $50 Amazon gift cards from Apple Valley Waste.