MARTINSBURG, W.Va. — Waste-to-Fuel Operation Entsorga in Martinsburg has been idle since April due to difficulties finding someone to buy their fuel.

That’s Berkeley County Solid Waste Authority Chair Clint Hogbin, who said the plant turned waste products into a solid fuel:

The idling of the plant means $25 thousand in loss revenue each month for the Solid Waste Authority.

Hogbin says a big challenge for the plant was finding an offtake partner – someone to buy the fuel. He hasn’t given up hope, especially since other companies have shown an interest in the Martinsburg waste-to-fuel site.

He says this type of reuse is the future:

Entsorga-WV  began operations in Martinsburg in 2019.

Clint Hogbin was a guest on Monday’s Panhandle Live. You can hear the full interview at Panhandle Live’s Spotify or via the Panhandle Live Facebook page.