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Renner, McDonald Cleared of any Wrongdoing after Capitol Protests

CHARLES TOWN, W.Va. — The two Jefferson County bus drivers who were suspended with pay after last week’s protests in the nation’s capitol have been cleared of any wrong doing.

Spokesman Dan Casto confirms Tina Renner and Pam McDonald both had their hearings this week.

Superintendent of Schools Bondy Shay Gibson has said questionable social media posts, not personal political beliefs, were the basis for the investigation. Gibson also said there was a question about whether the district’s leave policy had been violated.

Casto said Renner had filled out her leave request the same way she had been doing.

The school district has said there will be no comment on personnel matters, but in response to a civil rights lawsuit filed against Gibson, a school spokesperson said the superintendent ” respects the system of due process for all citizens” and trusts the integrity of the judiciary.

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